Drinking "live" cocktails is called a detox diet. This means, a smoothie diet for weight loss also helps the body to cleanse itself of toxins and waste. In addition, eating this way will introduce you to new foods and recipes. But smoothies also have contraindications. . .

The benefits of smoothies
- These drinkshelps you lose weight without giving up sweetsand switching to a strict, "poor" diet.
- There are many recipes (as well as flavors) for smoothies - you can choose one that suits your wallet, taste and body requirements.You can cook it yourself, using a blender.
- Thick smoothies fill you up quickly, replacing your usual plate. They are consumed on the run (in the subway, driving, walking), so this type of food pleases students, young mothers and careerists. But: you don't have to swallow the glass in one gulp - smoothies are drunk slowly.
- These drinks begin to be absorbed faster than solid food, so they will not overload the stomach even when consumed late.
- The diet is suitable for vegans and raw foods.
- Lose up to -2 kg in 3 days with smoothies.
For whom this diet is not suitable: contraindications
- Kidney and liver problems. With a smoothie diet, these organs are forced to work harder. If they are already unable to afford, there is no need to risk.
- Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract(frequent diarrhea, intestinal disorders). Smoothies are mostly fiber. By cleaning the stomach and intestines, drinks will only aggravate the listed problems of internal organs.
- Pregnancy, breastfeeding. During this period of life, strict diet and sudden weight loss are contraindicated.
- Allergy, intolerance to a certain product. If you are probably already familiar with some products, then the "trendy" words (spirulina, lavender, acai berries, bee bread) are words that most people read for the first time. There is no need to use such products uncontrollably - start with a food allergy test (conducted in medical laboratories) or at least introduce the body to new products by introducing them little by little.
Finally, drinking smoothies all the time makes dentists angry. Doctors say thathuman teeth must chew hard food every day, and it is better to eat the same apples in their "native" form - this way plaque will not accumulate on the teeth, and the gums will receive a daily "massage". So you don't have to "live" on smoothies.
What are the principles of preparing diet smoothies?
It seems that it could not be simpler: put everything fresh that you like (or find in the refrigerator) in a blender and mix. Well, you can also consider the ratings of your friends.

But not everything is so simple!Cocktail recipes serve different functions: help in the fight against stress or anemia, liver health, weight loss. So, before preparing this or that drink, check how this composition will act on the body.
Except this,You should cook only from fresh ingredients. You can also use frozen raw materials, but the freezing must be correct (hit, that is, immediate).
Three types of such drinks
waking up (morning)
Smoothies with high juice and carbohydrate content. Their task is to tone and release the gastrointestinal tract.
The recipe may include: bananas, yogurt or cottage cheese, flax seeds, quinoa, steamed oats.
Sample recipe:
- 200 ml of soy milk;
- 1 banana;
- 2 spoons of almond paste;
- 40 ml of maple syrup or honey;
- 40 ml of coffee (preferably espresso).
Food (daily)
Actually,this is a full lunch.
The following will help you "destroy" hunger and give your body strength until the end of the day: kale, spinach, spirulina, chia seeds, soy milk.
Sample recipe:
- 200 ml of pineapple juice;
- 100 ml of coconut milk;
- 1 banana;
- 3 large strawberries.
Sedative (evening)
No extra calories, just fast-digesting foods that don't strain your stomach.
In such compositions add: herbal preparations, coconut or almond milk.
Sample recipe. Pour a glass of hot water (at least 70 degrees):
- a sprig of fresh mint;
- 2-3 stalks of lavender;
- a slice of lime.
When it is boiled, puree it in a blender and sweeten with honey.
What can be added to such drinks?
The basis of the "live" cocktail will beVEGETABLES(except potatoes)fruits, berries, cereal flakes, nuts, low-fat sour milk.
The following components can improve the detoxifying effect of any smoothie, as well as make the taste of any drink interesting (diversifying the diet menu for 5, 7 days):
- blue spirulina(this mountain kelp will fill the cocktail with protein and also give it an impressive heavenly hue);
- pollen or pollen(this source of vitamins can be found both in pharmacies and beekeepers' markets);
- acai(a valuable antioxidant - a berry from the Amazon that can be used fresh or frozen);
- maple syrup or honey(a healthy sweetener, but check the ingredients before buying such a product);
- ginger("immunity booster" that will make the drink more spicy);
- poppy seeds(nourishing and relaxing);
- cocoa powder(source of caffeine, as well as "chocolate mood").
But adding salt and sugar is not recommended. Don't even get confused with honey - it's still a high-calorie product.
Storage of finished formulations
In general,Most smoothies can be stored for up to 12 hours in a clean, sealed container.. But - only in a refrigerator or thermal bag that allows you to store food at a temperature of +7 degrees Celsius. That is, smoothies are often prepared in the evening so that you can throw a glass in the car and have breakfast on the way to work.
In the cold half of the year, cocktails should not be cooled, but heated (but so that the temperature of the products does not exceed +50 degrees). The easiest way is to add boiling water to fruits and vegetables. Winter "immune" components will also not be superfluous: echinacea tincture, rose decoction, ginger, turmeric, royal jelly and other beekeeping products.
How to drink these drinks properly
- This is the main food. Not a dessert or a compote. So don't drink soups and stews with a glass of smoothie.
- I followed this diet for a week,give up fatty and fried foodsand other tasty but high-calorie dishes.
- He cooked and drank. "Live" cocktails should not be shaken for future use. Vitamins suffer from storage (and the drink itself can darken unsightly).
- For the results of the diet to be impressive, you need to take care not only of the breakdown of fats, but alsosaturate your body with clean water as much as possible. This will help flush out toxins and also keep the skin toned. Therefore, when losing weight, replace your usual coffee and tea with water - regular drinking water or still mineral water. No, tea and coffee are not prohibited. But allow yourself no more than 2 glasses a day - but drink about 1. 5 liters of water.
- Smoothies can be prepared on a diet with drinks, but adding more liquid so the cocktails don't become mush. Important: remember that a drink diet is useful only for the first month - after the 30th day, such food can be harmful.
Can I drink on an empty stomach?
Nutritionists are sure:not worth it. On an empty stomach, it is better to drink water with apple cider vinegar (lemon juice) - it will "wake up" the body. And just after 30 minutes prepare yourself a smoothie.
By the way, after such a cocktail you will no longer need a strong breakfast. In terms of calories and volume, a smoothie is a complete meal. But if you are not full, drink a "live" cocktail 30-40 minutes before eating (this also applies to lunch and dinner).
Is it possible to drink a smoothie at night?
Possible, but not advisable. The fact is that the drink contains raw vegetables and fruits. This means that such food should be consumed in the first half of the day, when the activity of the stomach is maximum.
However, if you want, it is better to make such a cocktail yourself than to "sin" with a plate of kittens.
7 day detox drink diet
An effective but unusual diet for our people.

Some women, wanting to further increase the results obtained, add a diet to their modest diet.sports load. But remember: in this case we are dealing with a reduced calorie diet – which means that it is important not to overdo it with fitness. Don't tire yourself with dumbbell exercises or half an hour of lunges and squats. Allow yourself a bike ride or a walk in the fresh air. But you can limit yourself to daily morning exercises.
1. 5 liters of water and4 fruit and berry smoothies. It is better to divide the latter not into 4, but into 6-8 meals. Choose fresh products, but frozen ones are also possible.
Avoid high-calorie sweeteners (honey, maple syrup). And, of course, without sugar.
4 fruit smoothies, 250 ml each.
But, in addition to honey, sweet dried fruits, grapes and bananas are also prohibited on this day.
On Wednesday you can prepare not only fruit but also vegetable smoothies.
You should choose the most "weight-loss" vegetables - say, celery, cucumbers. At the same time, you should not try to flavor the pill by adding salt to your meal. Also, don't add hot spices that will make you want more.
The required 4 smoothies can be completed with breakfast or dinner, consisting ofhandfuls of boiled rice, as well as roasted or boiled vegetables.
4 cocktails +portion of lean meat(beef, veal, chicken, turkey or rabbit). It is important that the meat is cooked properly, according to the principle of a healthy diet. Boil a piece (in water or steam) or bake.
When cooking chicken fillet, many people are afraid that it will dry out too much in the oven, so they brush the chicken with oil - instead, it is better to wrap the fillet in baking parchment. This way it will come out juicy - and without extra calories.
- BREAKFAST: buckwheat or oats (or steamed flakes).
- dinner: light meat with vegetables. You can cook anything - stewed pieces of beef with cabbage, steamed chicken with boiled vegetables, fried with rabbit.
- dinner: a serving of unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese.
Same dishes as Saturday. However, instead of meat, cook itthe fish. But it is worth buying a low-fat variety (cod, cod, pollock, whiting, pike).
You should come off this diet slowly. On the eighth day, allow yourself a forbidden food (or slightly increase the portions of permitted, low-fat, healthy foods).
Reviews about smoothie diets
Satisfied womenwho have tried losing weight with "live" cocktails boast:
- this diet is delicious and satisfying;
- it's chic, trendy, youthful (and Instagrammable too), and there's also no shame in bringing a smoothie to class or work;
- colorful cocktails delight the eye;
- you can cook from anything (even tomatoes with celery stalks, even strawberries with milk);
- cooking is simple - no standing on the stove (the dream of a career woman or student during the session);
- such food cleanses the body;
- throughout the diet there is a pleasant softness in the body, bordering not on impotence, but on tone;
- such food improves complexion;
- in 2 weeks you can lose -8 kg.
However, not everyone's weight loss went smoothly. There are few negative reviews, but they still exist. And this is what they write: in the off-season, such food is expensive (however, you will not be able to buy the same spirulina in the summer), and the recipes are not suitable for obedient meat eaters - they willto be tortured by intense hunger.